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致敬 Chester

这几天我听到一个让我十分震惊的消息, Linkin Park 的主唱 Chester Bennington 自杀了。

在我年少的叛逆时期,Linkin Park 是曾陪伴我度过许多不眠之夜的乐队之一。

我还记得第一次在电台听见他们的那首 Somewhere I Belong, 然后心心念念的想要找到这个乐队,一切清晰得仿佛发生在昨天。

我曾以为 Chester 是把自己的梦想变成现实的人。他和自己的乐队度过最开始的艰难岁月,一起创作出那么多的好的音乐,他们在全世界演出,有那么多的人喜欢他们的音乐,他们也用自己的影响力帮助了许多人。我觉得他的生命绚烂而又充满意义。



那么,当我觉得难过的时候,我能不能尝试着给痛苦另外的出口?就像此时的我,能不能以另一种方式寄托哀思?一首音乐,一副画作,一篇文字… 向 Chester 致敬,向音乐家们致敬。

那些想做的事情,从现在就开始吧。就像我曾以为我长大了,会有很多机会看到 Chester 的现场,而现在却再也没有机会了。



A Tribute to Chester

These days I heard a shocking news, that the vocal of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington has suicided.
Linkin Park is one of my favorite band when I was in high school. And I even remember the first time that I heard their song on the radio, it is a song called somewhere I belong. I love it and I tried to find all the songs of this band. It seems like all these things just happened in yesterday.
I thought Chester is the one who makes his dreams come true. Because he creates a lot of great songs with their band and performs all around the world. There are so many people love their songs, and he uses his power of influence helps a lot of people. I thought his life was glory and meaningful.
But I am wrong. Until I heard the news that he suicided, I realized how much he was suffering all the time.
I admire him. Even though he was going through all the painful things, he turns his pain into music, which comforts a lot of people and gives them the courage and strength to go on.
So, I think, when I feel sad, could I try to turn it to another thing? Could I change all the sadness into a song? a drawing? an article? So I could use them as a tribute to Chester, to those creators I love.
I thought when I grow up, I will have a lot of chances to see the live shows of Chester, but now I never have this opportunity anymore.
Life is so short. But it still has so many things we could do, and there are so many people here that we care about. Do the things you wanna do from now.
Chester, wish you go to the world you love. May you rest in peace.